The Cassava Phytotoponym: an analysis of the motivation and naming of the village, through its linguistic, geographic, historical and cultural mirror


  • Tiago de Oliveira Ferreira State University of Maranhão (UEMA) image/svg+xml



Toponymy, Cassava, Motivation, Naming


The present work aims to demonstrate the linguistic and extralinguistic factors that motivated the naming of a riverside village on the Itapecuru river in Maranhão with the etym Mandioca. During the construction of the research, it is possible to observe the presence, through the terms found, of the three main ethnicities that formed Brazil, the Native Americans, the Portuguese and the Africans, using the same knowledge surrounding the cassava vegetable for their culture. to feed. Therefore, it is clear that it was the language and food culture factors that created the necessary or fundamental motivation for naming the riverine toponym. Furthermore, it was necessary to provide a historical description of the village on the banks of the Itapecuru River, as well as the geographical characteristics of the region in order to locate the reader in the temporal and geographic space of this village. The theoretical foundation was based on authors of the classic historiography of Maranhão, such as: Assunção (2015), Coutinho (2005), and regarding the fundamental authors of the toponymic branch and grammar itself, the text was constructed by the precepts of Dick (1990), Sampaio (1987), Lima (1998), Mey (1998) and Bechara (2011). Thus, based on the main references of linguistic theoretical studies, variations and semantic values. The main objective was to understand the sociolinguistic, historical and anthropological traits that motivated the naming of the geographic space that is the focus of the article. The data analyzed were based on a qualitative and multidisciplinary bibliographical research. In this way, the results obtained will be relevant to the linguistic and lexical knowledge of the Itapecuru river basin.


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Author Biography

Tiago de Oliveira Ferreira, State University of Maranhão (UEMA)

Teacher of Basic Education in the Municipality of Itapecuru Mirim; Professor of the Teaching Program at the State University of Maranhão (UEMA); Professor of the Caminhos do Sertão Program at the State University of Southern Maranhão (UEMASUL); Master in Linguistics from the Federal University of Maranhão (UFMA).


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How to Cite

FERREIRA, T. de O. The Cassava Phytotoponym: an analysis of the motivation and naming of the village, through its linguistic, geographic, historical and cultural mirror. Parchment Journal, [S. l.], v. 2, n. 2, p. 19–32, 2023. Disponível em: Acesso em: 21 nov. 2024.