Digital technologies at school: using kahoot as a teaching resource


  • Marco Antonio da Silva de Souza UEMA



Technology, Digital, Literacy, History of Education, Kahoot


New technologies have arrived within society so people are always looking for these novelties to consume. And along this path, we, education professionals, seek to bring these new technological trends into our classroom, also seeking to diversify teaching methods, contributing to the learning process of each student. This work aims to show the reader the importance and how it is possible to use a digital platform to assist the teacher in the teaching-learning process. And as the basis of our research, we resorted to some theorists, among them, Sousa, et al. (2015) who will deal with the ease of young people in using TICs and TDICs, Ribeiro (2014) who will bring us the concept of digital information technologies and Ribeiro and Coscarelli (2005) bringing us contributions about digital literacy. As a methodology, we work with teaching classes on the topic of literacy and later we use the digital platform chosen for the application of questions in Quiz format. In the data collection, we observed how students were able to interact in a very meaningful way with the use of these technologies in the classroom, as well as how they managed to fix the content worked through the games produced in Kahoot. And from these researches, we can conclude that the use of digital technologies in the classroom contributes significantly to the teaching-learning process, and enables students and teachers to interact with the digital world and also the development of multiliteracy, which will contribute positively to the growth intellectually and socially.


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How to Cite

DA SILVA DE SOUZA, M. A. Digital technologies at school: using kahoot as a teaching resource. Parchment Journal, [S. l.], v. 3, n. 1, p. 57–71, 2024. Disponível em: Acesso em: 14 may. 2024.