Children and child education through the look Laura Rosa pedagogical


  • José Ribamar Neres Costa State Department of Education of the State of Maranhão



Child education, History of Education, Family


This article has two main objectives: a) to make a historical rescue of a little-known work, but which presents relevant aspects about the family and the teaching and learning processes in Brazil and in the world throughout the history of education; b) carry out a comparative analysis with regard to its content and its current implications. The study is of a qualitative nature and is centered on bibliographical research, based on the critical-comparative method between texts. The main theorists used to support the study were Ariès (2022), Priore (2021), Martorell (2014), Boyd and Bee (2011) and Alves and Araújo (2011), in addition to the Child and Adolescent Statute. At the end of the research, some considerations were reached, such as: there are explicit differences between the educational systems adopted in different times and cultures; in some of her ideas, Laura Rosa proved to be ahead of her time, however, in other cases, her educational conceptions can be revised and contested.


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Author Biography

José Ribamar Neres Costa, State Department of Education of the State of Maranhão

Graduated in Literature (UFMA), History and Pedagogy (Uninter), Master in Education (UCB) and Doctor in Environment and Regional Development (Uniderp)


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How to Cite

NERES COSTA, J. R. Children and child education through the look Laura Rosa pedagogical. Parchment Journal, [S. l.], v. 3, n. 1, p. 9–24, 2024. Disponível em: Acesso em: 14 may. 2024.